Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

Color Laser Printer

Color laser printers to apply scientific principles in an exceptional way. The term laser printer is a bit "strange - to figure out how a beam of light words and static images on paper AND on an electric charge in an isolated thing, like a balloon set is based on the principle that atoms of opposite charge to each other in?. Likewise, clothing, containing objects with opposite static fields. A color laser printer uses this principle as a kind of "temporary glue." Most of the printer is the photoreceptor - a standard rotating drum or cylinder - a collection of material for a very favorable light emitted photons. In simple terms, a laser beam helps in the management of a laser printer looks like the image of the drum. Change the electrical charge of the drum is very effective, which is transmitted through a toner cartridge. These electrically charged part of the drum lift the toner, the use of electromagnetism. the combination of heat and pressure to move the toner on a sheet of paper.
In the color laser printer all parties on a piece of the battery before the toner is applied. Therefore, they are sometimes called page printers. QH print cartridges and also last longer - the size of 15,000 pages before they are replaced. Another feature of this printer is that the resolution of dpi (dots per inch) of 2400 is very high, which may be even higher. Can a host of characters and print quality.
There are two categories of Color Laser Printers - LCD and LED. The printing process is the same. The only difference is that LED printers use LEDs for battery charging while the other uses of liquid crystals.
Color laser jet ink in the press
It is difficult to choose the color laser printer on the right or inkjet printer selected according to their needs. If you have the color and black and white, color laser printer is a business decision. Ink-jet ink may be a better option if your printing needs is not more or less.
Laser printers are better quality and speed of inkjet printers. Possible, take for example the color cartridges Samsung CLP-500, which represents 5,000 pages, and reduce the cost of color laser printing to inkjet printers. The other point, rather than color laser printers, the ink is dry as dry toner. The print quality is better.
Technically, the inkjet ink is very expensive and dries in a time when a commercial airliner, which are not common. In the long term are color laser printer cheaper, faster and can be changed to some extent the components.
Furthermore, the inkjet printer with photo quality better. You can use a monochrome laser documents at high speed. But if you are a high-volume text, graphics and web graphics and high quality photos, then it is better to use the laser printer.
The conclusion is that in his office, rather than pages per month, the type of photos (black and white or color) to document the quality of documents and photographs, the time of automatic duplex printing budget, you can determine your choice of printer. User Experience teaches us that the best option for laser and inkjet business in the country.

3 komentar:

  1. Thanks for sharing the information regarding color laser printer,The color laser printer is lightning fast.These are relatively high-speed printers that use the process of electrophotography to create images on paper.

    Thanks & Regards
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  2. Yes,,, i hope this information can be use for everyone. ^_^

    You are welcome

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